Scenario with system copies for updating
Re-import backup transports (exports), set up locally in 000 client for isolated systems (sandbox)
Tests are already worthwhile for the introduction of SAP solutions in the company and also for release upgrades and migration projects, the import of patches, customizing, modifications and in-house developments. A three-tier SAP landscape typically consists of development, test and production systems. In addition, there are often training systems.
The Migration Monitor: is a standalone tool implemented in Java, takes over the management and control of the R3load processes, is downward compatible. Use the latest Migration Monitor version of the highest release!
Food for thought for another productive system: until when must the system be identical, keyword: transaction log
One to two pre-tests are required, one of which should be performed on the production system. The additional load on the production system caused by the IMIG has been negligible. Split/mirror techniques allow many actions to be moved from the production machine to another machine.
In order to have up-to-date data and exactly the same software versions on an SAP test system for meaningful tests as are active on the production system, the production systems are regularly copied completely to the test system. However, many settings in the test system must be retained, because a test system should not act like a production system and, for example, send documents to customers and suppliers or trigger something in production.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" can considerably simplify and shorten a number of activities within the scope of a system copy or a system refresh. By using this application in conjunction with the information on system-specific tables from the PCA tool, the system-specific data can be backed up and restored after the system copy / system refresh. As a result, many of the activities mentioned here regarding data backup / restore can be performed much more easily; the creation of screenshots and the subsequent manual restoration of the state documented in this way can then be completely eliminated.
SAP Basis refers to the administration of SAP system that includes activities like installation and configuration, load balancing, and performance of SAP applications running on Java stack and SAP ABAP. This includes the maintenance of different services related to database, operating system, application and web servers in SAP system landscape and stopping and starting the system. Here you can find some useful information about SAP Basis:
Companies can simulate real-life situations for testing purposes on the basis of consistent and realistic data alone.
If it is a development system, all newer development objects must be saved and transported back in after the copy.