What is System Copy as a Service?
The system copy
Typically, the "homogeneous SAP system copy" process involves a large number of manual activities. A certain skill level is required for this, which leads to the fact that usually the employees of the SAP Basis department or external service providers realize the system copy. Depending on the structure and size of the systems, this process can take anywhere from hours to several days. In addition to making the target systems unavailable to operations and project teams, system and landscape copies also block SAP Basis administrators. Other challenges include the varying duration and quality (completeness) of the results depending on the processor, time dependency on the employees performing the work, etc.
Different DDLORA* files can be assigned to the R3load packages. The assignment is done by a text file, which is given to the MigrationMonitor as parameter 'ddlMap = mapDDL.txt' and evaluated by it.
SAP system startup and shutdown, including virtual hosts
An SAP system copy is not done in an hour. Due to the large amount of data in an SAP system, the individual steps can take a long time to complete. The export and the import do not always run without errors. Often one is held up by troubleshooting. Of course, the target system must be prepared before the actual copy can be performed: Setting up the server, installing the operating system and database software, downloading and copying the installation media. During the export, the source system cannot be used. Therefore, this task must be planned well and in advance.
SAP system copies are necessary, regardless of the basic infrastructure. Particularly in the context of automation, preference should be given to solutions that support all relevant types of SAP system operation.
SAP system copy can be done easier and faster with "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page: www.sap-corner.de.
The source of the system copy is a production system.
Rehau recently opted for the 'Automated System Copy for SAP' solution.